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Tardy Procedures

Tardy Procedures

River Eves Parents:

Once the carpool line closes each day, the circle in front of the school will be blocked for approximately two hours with tardy signs & cones. Parents arriving late, with their child(ren), must pull into a designated parking space and physically walk their child(ren) into the building for check-in at the front office. 

Please refrain from parking in the handicap parking spaces unless you possess the appropriate license plate or placard hanging from the rearview mirror. Local City of Roswell police officers have been known to ticket parents for parking in these spaces without the proper authorization on the license plate or tag displayed inside the vehicle. Also, our assigned School Resource Officer closely monitors the handicap parking spaces to ensure that parents and visitors are adhering to the parking rules. 

The tardy/late arrival process is ultimately in place for the safety of your child(ren). Once River Eves staff members are no longer outside to monitor students as they enter the building, parents are not permitted to pull up to the curb (in front of the main entrance) and let their child(ren) out of the car to enter the school unaccompanied. Please be mindful that this action is extremely unsafe for your child(ren). The only way to completely ensure that your child(ren) get(s) into the building and is/are successfully received by a River Eves staff member is for you to physically escort them all the way into the front office area before leaving the school premises. 

When you enter the office, you will be required to sign-in your child(ren) before returning to your vehicle. Please be mindful that this process is to 100% guarantee your child(ren)’s safety because you are personally delivering them into our hands. We take the safety of every River Eves eagle seriously and will not compromise that in any form or fashion. This protocol has been established for the safety, well-being, and best interest of students at the forefront of the “why” behind the process. Thank you! We greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation with our established tardy arrival procedure.